Monday, June 30, 2008

A fantastic new idea

Keep on the lookout for the newest sensation in the music world, THE GINGIES!!

go to for the latest songs, even downloadable ringtones!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

epic fail--the fiance drama
Anonymous said...

ASO to the guy who was AMAZING. He was hot, sweet, a redhead, and HIS FAMILY OWNS HORSES. Thanks for not telling me about that whole being engaged thing. Good luck with that there marriage, pal.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
ASO to the guy who was AMAZING. He was hot, sweet, a redhead, and HIS FAMILY OWNS HORSES. Thanks for not telling me about that whole being engaged thing. Good luck with that there marriage, pal.

June 5, 2008 7:47 PM

SO to being this AMAZING Guy's fiancee'and girlfriend of over 5 years! Who is also amazing in bed.

Anonymous said...

hahaha...SO to the girl who is bragging that the "AMAZING" redhead who owns horses is actually *her* fiance. Um honey, did you miss that whole part about him cheating on you?

Anonymous said...

hahaha...SO to the girl who is bragging that the "AMAZING" redhead who owns horses is actually *her* fiance. Um honey, did you miss that whole part about him cheating on you?

I'm the original SOer on this one. Seriously. Hon, whatever he tells you, he WAS flirting with me. So, again, good luck on that whole marriage thing.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the female poster that keeps arguing with my fiancee. I am sorry that I got drunk and flirted with you, but I have to say that there is no other person in the world for me, besides my fiancee. She is my heart and soul. So to lay this to rest. I only want my fiancee and no body else. Period. I love her with all of my heart. Not even that girl that I work with that won't stop hitting on me has a chance. So if she is reading this too, stop, I want no other woman in my life other than the ONE that I have. She is the only girl that will ever make me happy.

Thank You

Anonymous said...

ASO to the female poster that keeps arguing with my fiancee. I am sorry that I got drunk and flirted with you, but I have to say that there is no other person in the world for me, besides my fiancee. She is my heart and soul. So to lay this to rest. I only want my fiancee and no body else. Period. I love her with all of my heart. Not even that girl that I work with that won't stop hitting on me has a chance. So if she is reading this too, stop, I want no other woman in my life other than the ONE that I have. She is the only girl that will ever make me happy.

Thank You

**hahahhaha the fiancee totally wrote that, how more obvious could it be -- guys don't talk like that, and of course salty girlfriend has to add in something about some girl coworker she's jealous of

Anonymous said...

ASO to the female poster that keeps arguing with my fiancee. I am sorry that I got drunk and flirted with you, but I have to say that there is no other person in the world for me, besides my fiancee. She is my heart and soul. So to lay this to rest. I only want my fiancee and no body else. Period. I love her with all of my heart. Not even that girl that I work with that won't stop hitting on me has a chance. So if she is reading this too, stop, I want no other woman in my life other than the ONE that I have. She is the only girl that will ever make me happy.


Anonymous said...

whoa, whoa, ASO to the guy who presumes the female poster who keeps arguing with his fiance is, in fact, the girl who wrote the first post regarding this unfortunate topic. I didn't have anything to do with the post that alerted your fiance to the fact that her guy "cheated" by conversing with me. I can't claim responsibility for others commenting on how unaware of the full magnitude of the situation the female half the the engagement seems to have been. Perhaps she doesn't care? Oooh, an open marriage! I'm available for threesomes, although I suspect the future wife might harbor a certain amount of hatred for me at this point.

Anonymous said...

SO to wondering if the whole scandal between the ginger w/ horses, his fiance, and the flirty chick is just made up to entertain. Either way, it's completely ridiculous and if it's not made up, just wow.

K said...

SO to the shout-outers who commented on the ridiculous post by the "angry fiancee." I was going to put in my two-cents on the retarded display that those people have been putting on but you somehow read my mind.
ASO to that couple. If you really have to sink to arguing with a bunch of bored vacationing kids on the Summer SO list you may seriously lack the maturity to be getting married in the first place. What a couple of petty drama queens. I hope this really brings strength to your relationship and you can ride of into the sunset on your horses and have some awesome fire-crotch sex.
ASO to the girl who originally posted about that guy. Seriously? If a gingy with horses who has bad taste in women (and, yes, that includes you, if the whole "flirting" saga is true) is really your ideal man then I pity you. You are a disgrace to all that Madison stands for.

Anonymous said...

Serious SO to the fiancee (see? I learned how to spell). God, I feel horrible. Virtual hug for you. -J (the "flirty girl" in question).

Anonymous said...

ASO to the whole ginger/flirty girl/financee thing. This shoutout story plot has gone on much too long- I have no idea which one of you is which anymore when you post! At least make your drama easy for the rest of us to understand and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think the fiance spat is just one person?

Anonymous said...

SO to "k" for tearing those tards a new asshole. I happen to know you and you really are a crazy smartass bitch...and real hot